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1 October 2024 - 28 February 2025
IOIP Resources Innovation 2024
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Open until 13 December 2024

Frequently asked questions

About the Program

What is IOIP Open Innovation Program?

INTERNATIONAL OPEN INNOVATION PROGRAMME (IOIP) – Resources Innovation Edition is dedicated to support companies from Emilia-Romagna (Italy) in identifying their innovation needs, scouting technological solutions and fostering collaborations with Solvers from all over the world.

IOIP is aimed at implementing the activities of the Technology Transfer Pillar inside the Technology Transfer and Innovation Programme (TTIP), for the realization of the Ecosister project – Ecosystem for sustainable transition in Emilia-Romagna.

The Technology Transfer Pillar is coordinated by University of Parma, supported by ART-ER, with the technical support of Deloitte Officine Innovazione. The program aims to engage in a matchmaking Program top Regional companies/corporates and the most promising Solvers (including micro-enterprises, SMEs, scale-ups, start-ups, spin-offs, laboratories, research groups and researchers).

The business challenges addressed within this first edition of the program regard the topic of Resources Innovation, with a focus on Circular Economy and Water Nexus. They are grouped into three thematic clusters: Waste Recovery and Reutilization, Automation and Process Efficiency, New Materials and Resources Optimization.

The program is composed of two key points:

The Matchmaking phase is dedicated to the 21 selected companies based in Emilia-Romagna and to the admitted Business and Research Solvers with the goal of addressing the companies’ challenges. Companies and Solvers have 3 months to match, connect and find opportunities to co-create solutions around shared business needs.

The main phases of the matchmaking phase are:

  • Registration to the Call (1st October 2024 - 13th December 2024): during this period Solvers can apply to the program
  • Matchmaking with ER Corporates (1st October - 20th December 2024): during this period prospective Solvers can organize matchmaking calls with ER Corporates

The Final Event is the closing moment of IOIP, where further matches, as well as networking with the national and international innovation community, will take place. The event is open to innovation actors from all over the world and will take place physically on the 28th of February 2025.

What are the requirements to be admitted to the Program?
    Prospective Business and Research Solvers (including micro-enterprises, SMEs, scale-ups, start-ups, spin-offs, laboratories, research groups and researchers) will be eligible to the program if they respect the three following criteria:
  • Completeness of the application and consistency with the Challenges: applicants will need to provide all the information required by the application form, included complete documentation, and the connection of their solution (product or service) to the Challenges of the Program;
  • Solutions maturity (Technology Readiness Level – TRL): this information will need to be clearly stated in the application form. This will allow to respond to the TRL required by ER companies. Specifically, only Projects with a TRL higher or equal to 3 will be admitted to the Program;
  • The activity is part of a project financed by the PNRR (The National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5) therefore, subjects whose activities are included in Appendix Sheet 28 Excluded Activities are excluded, according to Appendice Scheda 28 Attività escluse on the base of “Allegato V” Regolamento per il Fondo Invest EU (on page 278 of “Guida operativa DNSH con mappatura e schede tecniche (Versione Dicembre 2021) at the following link.

How to partecipate?

In order to participate to the Program, participants have to submit their Application on the official Website by clicking on the “Apply tab” and filling in all the mandatory information required.

Participants will be requested to expressly accept the Terms&ConditionsApplications submitted via other channels will not be admitted.

To complete the Application, Participants are asked to upload information about the research field (if applicable), company (if applicable), their innovative solutions, the industries and the sectors in its scope and about its business model (if applicable).

Furthermore, participants will be asked to upload a pitch or other document that presents their solution. Moreover, participants will be able to upload external links of their activities, technologies as well as a presentation video of their company/solution.

Applications that are not complete with all the information required or that are submitted after 13th December 2024 (17:00h, CET) will be excluded from the Call.

    Who are the ER Corporate partners?
      Major companies operating in the Emilia Romagna Region (Italy) that applied to participate in the program. These will be looking for a match - with one or more micro-enterprises, SMEs, scale-ups, start-ups, spin-offs, laboratories, research groups and researchers - according to the fit between the challenges identified and the solutions proposed by the participants.

      The selected companies for the first edition of IOIP are: Angiodroid, Bacchi, Baruffaldi Plastic Technology, Cà Colonna, Centro Qualità Tessile, Chiesi Farmaceutici, CPL Concordia, Dino Paoli, Garc Ambiente, Ghepi, GreenBone Ortho, Hifood, Hydrosynergy, IMAL, Indiotech, Kerline, Pelliconi&Co., Serigrafia 76, Staff Jersey, Tex Tech, Unigrà.

      About  Ecosister

      Ecosister, acronym for "Ecosystem for Sustainable Transition in Emilia-Romagna", is a project financed by the PNRR that aims to support the ecological transition of Emilia Romagna’s regional economic and social system through a process that transversely involves all sectors, technologies, and skills, combining digital transition and sustainability with the work and well-being of people and the protection of the environment.

        About Regione Emilia Romagna

        IOIP is a project aimed at fostering innovation across companies based in Emilia-Romagna.

        A region boasting excellent quality of life and widespread social cohesion

        Emilia-Romagna is one of Italy’s leading regions in terms of per capita income and for many years has been classified as one of the richest regions in Europe. Emilia-Romagna also ranks amongst the top regions in Italy for bureaucratic efficiency and quality of life.

        Small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the driving force of the region’s economy and have fostered the extraordinary spread of wealth across the entire regional territory. The dynamic nature of the production sector in Emilia-Romagna has resulted in high employment levels; indeed, employed inhabitants amount to over 68%, considerably higher than the Italian average.

        According to the Regional Innovation Scoreboard, based on the indicators analyzed by the European Commission Emilia-Romagna ranks first at the national level.

        These indexes consider indicators such as the economy, governance, broadband coverage, mobility, innovation, the quality of life and the green economy.

        The green economy in Emilia-Romagna is a cross-sector that is proving to be more and more of a resource to the region and an opportunity for new investments. The green economy comprises both «what is produced» and «how it is produced».

          About ART-ER

          IOIP Resources Innovation Edition is organized by ART-ER.

          ART-ER Attractiveness Research Territory is the Emilia-Romagna Joint Stock Consortium born with the purpose of fostering the region’s sustainable growth by developing innovation and knowledge, attractiveness and internationalization of the region.

          The Research and Innovation Division promotes industrial research as the main driver of sustainable economic development and collaborates with company associations to develop joint research and Corporate strategies and actions, facilities and services for industrial research, and the enhancement of human capital working in these areas.

          It coordinates the regional innovation ecosystem that includes the Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network, the Technopoles, the business Incubators, the Clust-ERs and Startups and also operates through the local S3 AREAS as meeting places set up to foster the relationship between young people and the most innovative employment networks.

          The Division aims at an open innovation model, where businesses, Start-ups, researchers and associations discuss and share experiences and models of action, have access to the same resources and have the opportunity to orient their activities towards the objective of generating innovative and impactful solutions for the whole ecosystem, to make Emilia-Romagna an open, inclusive and attractive region.

          About Università di Parma

          IOIP is a project coordinated by the University of Parma.

          The University of Parma is an Italian public university and one of the oldest in the world. It offers a total of 104 courses, covering all educational and research fields. With approximately 33,000 students and over 1,900 lecturers, it is one of the most important and well-known university poles in Europe.

          Innovation” is one of the keywords of the University of Parma. Within its structures, scientific research activities of world excellence take place. The research areas range from agri-food to biotechnology, from pharmaceutical innovation to experimental medicine, not to mention the importance of studies in the legal, economic, humanistic, engineering, architectural and veterinary medical fields. Among the notable achievements are the discoveries related to "mirror neurons" in the field of Neuroscience and the research in Information Engineering that contributed to the development of autonomous vehicles.

          The University adopts a policy of enhancing and encouraging technology transfer, in order to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development, by making available to businesses, public agencies and professionals its innovative know-how, facilities, experience and professionalism of its faculty and researchers.

          About Next Generation EU

          The NextGeneration EU (NGEU) program is a temporary recovery instrument (of more than €800 billion) that the European Union has made available to its member states to address the economic and social damage caused by the 2020 pandemic crisis. The aim of NGEU is to rebuild a post-COVID-19 Europe that is greener, more digital, more resilient and equipped to face present and future challenges.

            About  Italia Domani, il Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR)

            IOIP is financed with PNRR funds.

            Italia Domani, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), is the program that outlines the objectives, reforms and investments that Italy intends to implement through the use of Next Generation EU funds. The plan is structured into 6 Missions, each focused on a key thematic area.

            Mission 4 “Istruzione e Ricerca” (“Education and Research") aims to strengthen the conditions for the development of a knowledge-intensive, competitive, and resilient economy.

            IOIP is financed with the funds allocated to a subcomponent of Mission 4, called “Dalla Ricerca all’Impresa” ("From Research to Business)", to which €8.55 billion were assigned to support investments in R&D, promote innovation and encourage the dissemination of technologies.

              About Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca

              Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca (MUR) is a body of the Italian government responsible for the public policies related to university education and scientific research.

              In the context of PNRR, it is responsible for the investment and reform projects related to Mission 4 "Education and Research” - for further details, see previous questions “About Next Generation EU” and “About Italia Domani, il Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR)”


                What do I do if I forget my password?
                • Click here or click Login in the upper right corner of the event website
                • Click the "Forgot password?" link
                • Enter the email address you used to register for the event
                • Click the Reset Password button
                • You will receive an email with a "Reset Password" button
                • Click the button and enter your new password in the "New Password field"
                • Repeat the new password in the "Repeat Password" field and click Reset your password

                Please check your spam and/or promotions inbox in case you did not receive the password reset email!

                How do I change my password?
                • Log in using your email address and your password.
                • Go to Account Settings in your Dashboard, under your profile picture
                • Go to the "Change password" section
                • Type the old password in the "Old Password" field and the new password in the "New Password" field
                • Repeat the new password in the "Repeat Password" field and save.

                Please check your spam and/or promotions inbox in case you did not receive the password reset email!

                How do I change my email address?
                • Log in using your email address and your password.
                • Go to Account Settings in your Dashboard, under your profile picture
                • Enter the new email address in the Account email address field
                  • Please note that you cannot change your email address to one that already exists in our system
                • Click on Update Email Address
                • Wait for the confirmation email in your inbox and then confirm it

                How do I change my time zone?
                • Click the Edit my profile button in your Dashboard or click here
                • Select a time zone from the dropdown menu in the "Personal Information" section
                • Make sure you set your time zone correctly because the agenda and your meetings will be displayed according to the time zone you have selected

                Why is my profile not activated yet?
                • If you see a message saying "Your profile is waiting to be activated" when you log in, it means that the event organizers have not done so yet. As soon as the staff will check your application, you will get an answer.

                1:1 Meetings

                How do I request a meeting with someone?
                • Go to Companies and open the profile of the Organization you want to meet. Under the voice "Representatives" you will find the responsible person for the company: click the Request meeting button.
                • Choose the time and date of the meeting
                • Click Send request

                • or
                • Click "View Profile →" if you want to get more information about the participants
                • Click the Request meeting button below their profile picture
                • Choose the time and date of the meeting
                • Click Send request
                  Please note that only ER Corporate partners can request meetings to prospective Solvers, including micro-enterprises/SMEs/scale-ups/ start-ups/spin-offs/laboratories/research groups/researchers.

                How to check if my camera/microphone is working?
                • Please check that your browser has permission to use your camera/microphone
                • Click the Camera and microphone test button in your Meetings and follow the instructions
                • Depending on your browser settings you may be asked to confirm the activation of the Camera/Microphone through a pop-up dialog form
                • If you have already declined to give your browser permission to use your camera and microphone, you will need to adjust the browser's settings
                • How to adjust the microphone/camera related settings in your browser?
                • If none of the above works, consider switching to another device to join the meetings.

                How can I share my screen during 1:1 meetings?
                • Click the Screen Sharing icon right next to the camera icon
                • Choose what to share (your entire screen, a window, or just one browser tab)
                • After you have selected, click the Share button
                Please note that if you share your screen while playing a video, the other participant(s) will not hear the sound unless it's coming from your PC/laptop and is loud enough for your microphone to pick it up.

                Can I invite a third person to my 1:1 meeting?
                • You can invite other people, such as your colleagues, to join the meeting
                • To do so, go to your Meetings page and click the Invite guests button that is visible in all your upcoming meetings
                • A pop-up window will appear with a direct link you can send to anyone you want
                • When that person clicks on the link, they will be redirected directly to the online 1:1 meeting
                  • The person does not have to be registered for the event or have a b2match profile to join the online meeting this way
                • You can access the invitation link even if you have already started the meeting by clicking the Invite guest icon in the bottom left corner of your screen
                Please do not share your login information with your colleagues if you want them to join your meeting. If two people are logged in to the same profile and join the online meeting, one of them will be kicked out. Always use the direct link to invite other people.

                Why can't I request meetings with some participants?
                  Please note that only ER Corporate partners can request meetings to prospective Solvers, including micro-enterprises/SMEs/scale-ups/ start-ups/spin-offs/laboratories/research groups/researchers.
                • Participants available for meeting requests are indicated with the Request meeting button. If the button is gray:
                  • You may not have registered for any 1:1 meetings sessions
                  • The participant you want to meet might not have registered for any 1:1 meetings sessions
                  • Booking rules applied by the event organizer might not allow booking specific participant groups
                  • You might not have any common overlapping 1:1 meetings sessions

                Organised by
                Italy 45
                India 3
                Netherlands 1
                United Kingdom 1
                Cameroon 1
                Total 51
                Emilia-Romagna corporate 38
                Startup / Scaleup 4
                Researcher 3
                Other 2
                Company/SME 2
                Research Group 1
                Total 50
                Profile views
                Total 133